Most people are cautiously returning to work and this means that companies are responsible for thinking about how to remain safe whilst in the workplace and putting all the relevant protective work-related items/PPE in place. In doing this, it will limit the chances of closure again if staff experience any Covid 19 symptoms. We’ve witnessed this over the last few weeks with some companies which can end up being even more detrimental to your businesses.

With over 20 years of experience in permanent installs in offices, shops and places of work, we have also now introduced Safe-Vu into our installation repertoire.


At TMB, we believe in the importance of form and function having an equal balance and Safe-Vu not only keeps everyone safe according to the government and World Health Organisation Covid guidelines, but also looks beautifully stylish. This is also a very important factor which business owners should be thinking about when creating a more inviting environment for staff returning to work.

The aesthetics of the workplace and its impact on employee wellbeing is nothing new. Research reveals how everything from artwork on walls to workstations with natural light boosts productivity. Well-designed views away from computer screens or written documents, allow the eyes to adjust and re-focus, which reduces fatigue, headaches and the effects of eye strain in the long term and ultimately improves the happiness and enthusiasm of your team.


Beautiful and interesting and inspiring wall graphics proven to have a positive impact on wellbeing, in part by psychologically providing a safe space.

Buildings can be scenic and there are many things we can do to create a more attractive work space.

Take a look at what we have to offer to create your ideal back to workspace, allowing for all the recommended distancing requirements. You can also see some of our previous graphic installs here.

Email us if you’d like to discuss further: or call us on 01753 646746 for a chat.